Alien Soldier preview as featured in Beep! Megadrive Magazine (Sept-Oct 1994) Page 3

After 7 months and in the middle of these crazy times I bring you page 3 of this translation project…. enjoy!



Alien Soldier feature page 3 inside BEEP Megadrive magazine

(Top sentence in purple box)
And here we have the stage 1 boss: Xi tiger!

(Green box text top right)

I am the invincible assassin fist, the flame tiger tearing fist, the slayer tiger but my real shape is the enhanced life form, Xi Tiger!!
Epsilon, come to die.
You also want to go where the cute pet is right?

(Gray box text center)
In fact there are other moves that (Xi tiger) will show us! The stage boss! Its astounding huge body size and terrifying speed motion are things you won’t believe until you actually see them.

(Gray box text right)
一瞬逆光になるシーンは枠の極至ッス!いっそ BEメガをビデオ媒体(ばいたい)にして見せたいほど、フットワークも
Xi tiger is the one that stands still inside a thunder.
The moment when it flashes back (Note: referring to the scene where xi tiger is hit by a thunder and flashes) is the best of all frames. It makes me want to turn BE mega (Beep megadrive magazine) into a video medium and show it to you, that footwork, that lightness of movement. Ahh, it’s such a shame to show it to you only in a still image!

(Green text above seven force design)
Let’s look at the super cool scene when it appears into stage! Also take a look at its light footwork!

(Big gray box with Seven force design)
(赤い丸テキスト) 使用パーツ


Seven Force Kaede
Transformation pattern contest.
Your idea will become part of the game!
(Red circle text) Usable parts/pieces
Would you like to have your designed multi-junction character appear in Alien Soldier? It’s planned to have Seven Force (the name is also Kaede) appearance in this game as well, and we will select one of the transformations to be one that comes out of a public contest among our readers. There is no need to design the transformation to be human shaped like in the example shown to the right, I only ask you for something with a lot of personality!

1995/Mr NAMI’s example of transformation

(Orange box text, bottom left)
Items to pay attention while crafting the design pattern.
It’s more like a favor asked from the developer.
Rule #1, use no more than 25 pieces (less than 25 pieces is fine as well).
Rule #2, the main body (D) is the core part so make sure to use 1 of it. It’s not possible to use more than 1 piece of it. Besides that piece, for the rest of them there is no limit on the number of times they can be used (just make sure to follow along rule #1).

In short, the design can be composed by having only 7 head parts of only ball-shaped pieces. In other sense, it’s also ok to have pieces shown above not used. Also, the pieces that have an arrow can be rotated.
It’s fine to have them facing left/right up or down.
You can look as a reference the completed design above.
Rule #3, follow the size ration given by the image above. The point is not to have a piece being over sized or shrinked when compared to the others. If the pieces are not that far away from each other, there is no need to have them extremely coupled to each other.
If you have some extra time, i’d be happy if you add the name of the transformation, its characteristics and attack patterns.

(Light brown box text, bottom right)

Super 32X and other luxury prizes will be prepared
For the person with the best transformation design proposal we will give away a super 32x and one copy of Alien Solder. 3 participants will be chosen for honorable mention and will be given a copy of the game. Finally, 5 participants will be chosen via a raffle and will be given an special edition of a telephone card. Let’s put your idea into a game that will for sure remain in the megadrive history. Please send your idea to «Treasure factory SF transformation pattern». The proposal must arrive by the end of September. (*the copyright of the selected design will belong to Sega).

(Bottom of the page text)

Answer (konig ishida): after reading this I came up with an idea about specifications for the innovative next generation game console. I’ll write a project proposal for it!
Ah boss! (company boss), read this.
[What’s this…[a game console that uses the latest technology!? Using the telephone line, it will be possible to have competitions with 256 participants…] this is nonsense, nonsense! If you have the spare time to write this kind of thing do more work!]. But it’s so innovative and interesting this [Pokebell battler]…

Original Source:

Alien Soldier preview as featured in Beep! Megadrive Magazine (Sept-Oct 1994) Page 2

After almost one year since the last post about this series ( )

I bring you, part two!
Hope you enjoy the translation 🙂


Top sentence
The enemies (shown) here are just 1 part of the Stage 1, can you believe it?

Upper left section (snake-like boss)
ジェットリッパー Jet Ripper

(Green square text)

Are you pretending to be a savior?, Epsilon.
You are no longer a modified creature neither a modified human being!
My friend, know the shame that awaits the one that goes againts the inevitability of the history!

(Attack name in yellow characters)
ゼロ・カッター Zero cutter

(Blue color text)
This is a snake-type middle boss whose multi-joint part moves as if it had self conscious. Its «jumping here and there» kind of move has a strong resemblance to the paradise snake.

(Purple text)
Spooky (weird) undulation!

Upper right section (ant-like boss)
アンドロイド Android

(Orange box text)

E, Epsilon!!
Ripper was killed!?
Aah ripper….., those days of love that embraced you. i, i, I won’t forget!

(This section’s middle font size pink text)
High jump knee pad

(blue text below)

The (backwards) somersault is not the simple rotation of a standing pose of the character, it’s implemented with realistic movement. This kind of part talks about the difference between amateur and pro.

(Comic like yellow text box)

(Blue middle size font text to the right)
蟻酸 (formic acid)
The acid that an ant spits. That’s why is gisan (蟻酸).
This is a really easy to understand naming right!

[Note: formic acid in japanese is written 蟻酸 = 蟻 (ant) + 酸(acid), so it’s a word game in this case. More than actually representing formic acid…]

(Bottom left section)
ハニーバイパー Honey Viper

(Orange box text)
Life got me tired. I only had a simple dream where small bees and myself are running a big flower garden together…
I don’t have fight capacity or fight will….

(Middle size font purple text to the left)
The sexy nape gets looooooong

(Small size blue text)

(Bottom right section)
クラブバーバー Old lady Crab

If you dare to touch my kids i’ll teach you a lesson!!
Narration:「The brave mom, who single-handed looks after its 500 children, also works hard today by driving a truck」

(Orange middle size text)
ダイナマイトシーザパンチ Dynamite Scissor punch

Given having to raise 500 small crabs as well, that arm and scissor are powerful, even Scissor hands Edward is surprised.

(Bottom right blue text)
Please be nice to the small crabs too.

Even more than having a really red body after being boiled up(?), the small crabs crawl the floor moving lively. We are putting everything on this so even these small details get taken care of.

(Bottom of the page small font size black text)
こんなゲームあってもよかんべー欄外編 ■謎の〇盤UFO (提案者・愛知県・NORI): 外宇宙からいつ何時襲来するかわからないUFOを24時間体勢で監視し迎撃する。モデムを接続すればUFOが接近した場合、寝てようが、会議中だろうがポケベル(pager)で呼び出してくれる。また、携帯や公衆電話のプッシュボタンを使えば、街のど真ん中で作戦指揮も可能だ!究極の二重生活体感オフト!

Marginal notes of «Wouldn’t be good if this kind of game exists» ■ The Mistery of the UFO disc (Proposer・Aichi prefecture・ NORI): With a 24 hours observation formation we intercept UFOs from outer space that we don’t know at which time will attack. When connected via modem, if there is UFO approaching, doesn’t matter if you are sleeping or in the middle of a meeting, we get called via a pager. Also, using the push button of a cellphone or a public phone, we can give strategy orders even from the middle of the city! Double life experience ultimate game!

Original Source:

Alien Soldier preview as featured in Beep! Megadrive Magazine (Sept-Oct 1994) Page 1

Well, I decided to take a closer look to the tweet mentioned at the bottom of this post (original source) and translate it so more people are aware of the beginnings of the fabulous Alien Soldier. There are four pages of this beep magazine feature but so far I’ve just been able to tackle the first one. I’ll be releasing the translations for the other pages soon.
Hope you enjoy the translation 🙂


Alien Soldier
It will become this fiscal year’s highest peak on MD’s shooting action game!

(Right yellow square)
Release date: undetermined
Price: not available
16 M
Just for 1 player

Time to burn again the heated blood!
Get together warriors! Pick up your guns!


Do you remember the euphoria that made you feel like your blood was boiling when you played
treasure’s breakthrough Gunstar Heroes?
Yes, it has been one year since then and treasure has announced the production of an existance of
shooting action. This game has around 10 middle/big bosses in each stage with unbelievable nonstop
action, moreover all of the enemies show a biological(natural) movement that resembles that of seven force’s.
Due to the result of having the main character and the enemies speed processing being pushed to the limit, in exchange it’s not possible to have 2 players playing at the same time, anyway this is a trivial matter when it’s compared to this power!


Multi-joint characters that move artistically!

This time a lot of multi-jointed characters like Seven force, who caused a huge impact on us, will make an appearance.
Having way more encounters with middle size bosses than with popcorn enemies breaks all conventions, which leave us with only one option: take our hats off.
Besides this, the content is not a cheap imitation of gunstar heroes, it containts a great attitude towards opening new horizons in the crazy shooting world.

(purple box to the right)
Alien Soldier’s stage is set at the end of the 20th century at the Semi-earth.
It’s a world where enhanced organisms built by super genetic engineering and Semi-humans co-exist.

(small image upper side)
There are four basic shoot: Vulcan, Homing, Laser and Flame. You should choose your weapon depending on the enemy’s type: for living-type enemies = flame, and for the machine-type = laser.

(small image right side)
Epsilon 2 can turn himself upside down and stand on the ceiling.

(small image further right side)
There is a technique to warp certain distance and also another one to get rid of enemy’s bullets, but we will show these next time.

復活!?トレジャー大作戦 by 1995/NAMI 1995/NAMI氏を知らない人は「ガンスターヒーローズ」をクリアし、エンディングを見よ
Revival!? Treasure’s great strategy. For the ones that don’t know Mr. NAMI yet: finish gunstar heroes and go see the ending.


The summer is hot. Behind the extinction of [I can’t do it by myself] Treasure factory’s corner of unpopular special products there are restlessness rumours, like a theory claiming I commited suicide or that I was abducted by aliens and got killed. I exist! I won’t let the megadrive be killed. By the way, God has finally lifted the ban on Alien Soldier. But it’s still a weird and unpredictable game. We can’t feel at ease. It’s not to boast but it’s like the game planning keeps changing in a monthly basis, so the team members get super mad at once… I think we all laughed a lot when we realized that this resembles a political farce. Our high blood pressure and alcohol drinker CEO got seriously mad and was making a pencil crack using his index and middle fingers.
Anyway, let me get to the point. I am the team leader with no confidence. I might change the game planning with no problem even at the brink of the already crazy delivery date. That’s no f*cking way to make a game. I just want to play a more interesting game.
Lately other people’s games are not interesting, the money inside my wallet has started to grow some mold.
And if I’m asked if that’s the reason why [AS (Alien Soldier)] is a super interesting game, well it’s not like that. «The program optimization is amazing but the game is not that good…» it could be ok but I don’t like that. Even if i’m called «Demon» I might ask for a major change/revision. This time I could get fired. I’m trying to make a game that I could love purely and give all my life to. I’m sorry but I’m just thinking about myself so I’m going for it, even with no users (players). Don’t get mad. This is the last time.

Original Source: